There are some people out there who believe Mrs. Birn and I spend tons of money and hours every day preparing our dinner. I'm here to tell you that this is not the case. Tonight I made a wonderful garlic-lemon shrimp linguine that took less than 15 minutes to make and cost well under $3.00. It's big on flavor and short on time. Janna and Iove to go all out when we have company but our dirty little secret is that all of the things we make are incredibly simple. Simple ingredients and simple preparation are the key to making a great meal. Why, any of you lesser cooks could make our food at home. Naw, you guys always are missing out on the most important ingredient and the one Janna and I have in the most abundance: Love.
Steve – regarding the previous post: there seems to be a preponderance of fresh flowers in your house. Does this mean that you are excessively romantic or does this mean that you are excessively in the proverbial dog house?
Yes... one wonders... That shrimp looks yummy... are you going to post the recipie?
that last line just did not sound like you...is there really hope for you?! is this what Janna saw all along?!
I have always maintained that food made without love is trash. Take my mother's cherry pie, she makes it with spite instead of love. As a result it is never as good as her apple pie, which she makes with love. If one doesn't love what they are cooking it will turn out like trash, I shall maintain this until my dying day.
We should do a taste test - two cooks making the same thing, but one hates everybody and the other doesn't. Then we can do a blindfold test and see what happens.
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