Last night we went to the beach out in Grand Haven. Interesting times were had by all.
Janna and Mags smile for the camera
Our first marital fight, how cute is that?
Linda and Captain von Trapp
Go west old man, go west.
Isn't Janna lovely with the sun shining upon her?
Agnus, Mags and Janna pose for a picture while a shirtless maniac lurks in the background.
We can see God's glory in all things but we can especially see it in a beautiful sunset.
Another view.
Osama bin Lanning decides to play "world trade center" with a graham cracker box.
Tower one ignites.
Ray and B get ready to set tower two on fire, complete with hated American icon Mickey Mouse
Ray tries hard to get tower two to light
B finally gets tower two to ignite
Mark is amused by the fire
Mags is not.

Those shirtless maniacs... can't trust 'em for a minute.
Your burgers were great, by the way. Since you've threatened never to cook for me again, I won't say a thing about grilling them longer.
The burgers were awesome. The whole night was, actually. Good times.
How come,seamus,you don't update you're blog?
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