There comes a time in every woman's day when she must do those duties that are required of women. As I came home this evening I discovered my wife performing such duties. Do enjoy:

Janna has gotten quite good at ironing my shirts. We see her in this picture attempting to iron one of my boring white shirts.

Seamus keeps eye on mommy while she irons. Our beloved Seamus understands the importance of keeping mommy safe, especially considering her current condition.

Aren't these flowers lovely. I don't want to embarrass anyone but Seamus bought these for his new mommy. He's so happy to have someone to play with all day.

Janna continues on with her ironing.

Janna enjoys watching the Food Network. It appears Giatta is on making something Italian I suspect.

Protecting mommy can be tiring for Seamus.

When Seamus can't protect the home we can always count on Mr. Peanut.

Aren't these fall flowers just lovely?
Heh. I love Janna's "I know you're there but I'm going to pretend you're not" look in the first pic. I've seen that a lot, actually.
My wife will not allow me to do laundry or iron- she says that it is a bad reflection on her.
Whatever Lydia ;)
I will not allow myself to iron which is perhaps why I took my shirts to the dry cleaners for many years.
aww! look how cute and wifely she is!! :-)
Janna, you are so cute.
Ironing....what a delightful chore (so tempted to say "NOT" but just remembered that we are no longer in the 90s). And Nathan, you can iron whenever you desire! Just no laundry.... The bad reflection on me is if you go out in public with wrinkled pants or shirts. That is the bad reflection. I could care less if you do the work.
Could someone please fill my home with beautiful flowers?!!!!
Did you know that there are dress shirts made which do not require ironing? Wash, dry, hang, wear. That simple. It doesn't even need to be removed from the dryer immediately.
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