Saturday, September 02, 2006

Janna, having finally figured out the password, shares thoughts on contentment and draino

Fighting our given role in life is never a good idea. Consider that we were each made equipped for said role. Consider how resisting this affects not only ourselves, but others around us who count on our performing our appointed tasks. Great trouble may be caused by discontent.

Seems reasonable right? Well, if only inanimate objects could see reason and take up their tasks again. Take for instance, our bathroom. Firstly, the doorknob. This unruly member has seen fit to behave in a most beastly fashion, neither opening when opening is called for, nor closing when closing is called for. Most unseemly.

As is so often the case, one bad apple spoils the lot. The sink has also acquired a distinctly unpleasant attitude and is downright petulant when it comes to draining. It simply stamps it's feet and refuses to dry up, despite much cajoling in the form of drain cleaners. This sink, it seems, is refusing to accept it's role in society. Very sad.

What's next? Will the shower rebel? Will the toilet behave like a spoiled teenager? We shudder to think, yet brace ourselves for the worst.


Janna said...

By the way, the camera did some goofy stuff with the lighting on that picture of the sink. It makes it look like the rest of the sink is filthy. Not so. I promise.

steveandjanna said...

I believe you, though thousands others wouldn't.

Mark said...

This blog is all that and the kitchen sink.

Mrs. P said...

Even the camera's going all wonky on you... courage! Nil Desperandum!

Anonymous said...

Right. It's the "camera."

Is that the sink in the claustrophobic bathroom?

Anonymous said...

Steve, I'm hurt that you don't care enough about the readers of this blog to update.

steveandjanna said...

I have one in the hopper, I had football all day yesterday so I didn't have time. Maybe later....