Where were the Lanning's supposed to be today? Linda isn't quite sure so it seems. Last Sunday Janna and I invited the Lanning's over for Sunday dinner today, we made sure we told Linda and Evie and later in the week we told James. Linda forgot about it and high tailed it to Canada, our invitation slipped Evie's mind and thus the Lanning's appeared headed to the Pickerings for dinner instead of the Birn's. James is the only one who remembered which not only means he earns a gold star but it means he's the voice of responsibility at the Lanning house. In any event, the Pickerings agreed to come to our home and invite their family over later in the day so it all worked out in the end.

For dinner we served Boeuf Bourguignon, a lovely french version of beef stew. The beef is seared in bacon fat and the stew simmers away with a bottle of red wine. It was the perfect dish for a cold Sunday afternoon.

With our Boeuf Bourguignon we served some lovely oven roasted potatoes, cooked simply with salt, pepper and heart healthy olive oil.

For desert we served a lovely Coeur la Creme with strawberry sauce. Coeur la Creme is a wonderfully rich desert made with cream cheese, creme and vanilla. It's put in a special Coeur la Creme mold and parked in the fridge for a couple of days to drain. The result is a desert that will blow your minds and probably your hearts.

It is quite clear that Pastor Lanning's favorite dish is the Coeur la Creme. He was like a kid in the candy store.

We were glad to see the Pickering's stop by and we thank them for rearranging their afternoon for us. They seem to be eying the strawberry sauce and I can't blame them, it's awful good.

We didn't have enough spots at the table so we put Evie and Red at the kiddie table. You can see that Evie is having a terrific time sitting at the kiddie table. And here she thought that at 18 she would finally get to sit with the grownups.

James, the only responsible Lanning, was pulled away from his drum set long enough to enjoy dinner with us.

Believe it or not folks but Red actually ate today. I don't know how many times I need to say it but Red seriously needs to eat as she's gettin to skinny.

Even Seamus was shocked to see Red eating. He's told Daddy on several occasions that he thinks Red needs to eat more. Why he's even told me he would offer her some of his dinner. I politely told him that Red probably doesn't want to eat Purina One even though it will give her coat a nice shinny look.

We always enjoy having the Lanning's over for Sunday dinner. The fellowship we have with them is always top notch. Our pastor does so much for us and the church, I think it's important that we give back to him and his family and what better way than to have them over for a lovely dinner of Boeuf Bourguignon. We are certainly blessed to have such a good pastor and his wonderful family in our home.
It will be noted that I resemble a strange mix of Olive Oyle and Miss Marple today. So not the look I was going for.
Oh well.
Coeur La Creme is Dad's new favorite for sure. I am also a fan.
Too bad the girls were on diets eh?
Coeur la Creme isn't diet food? I thought for sure that it was, what with all the cream cheese and heavy cream.
I like that you sear the meat in bacon fat and then use heart healthy oil for the potatoes. Nice balance. Looks wonderful as usual.
I wish my dad would take me to get my hair cut as nice as Seamus'.
You are an idiot. It is Seamus's, not Seamus'...
Check the Chicago Manual of Style... man, no wonder people cannot stand you.
Oh, dude, man...uh....you are right. Remember I had some rough college days. I guess the rule only applies to Moses and Jesus. That is weird. Makes no sense to me.
Let's face the Irish music Seamus- your dad loves you...
As for your mum, the old English saying 'I'll grind his bones to make my bread' comes to mind.
hey, Evie is 19! and I was not drunk in that picture. and I think I am getting "to" skinny. Therefore I have been running at the gym all last week and this one.
Wow! I didn't know that skinny was a destination!
You guys make great food. You should both apply to the Michelin blue book for critic positions.
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