Agnus and Buster came by for another cooking lesson. I was as excited as a June bride on a feather bed over this weeks lesson: Pork chops.

We made a lovely Italian pork chop, breaded with parmasan cheese and pan fried to a lovely golden brown. The key to making a good pork chop is to not over cook it. Most people think that pork needs to be cooked well done but this isn't so. Pork should only be cooked to medium to meadium well. Folks think that pork is going to kill you if it isn't well done, this isn't so at all. Don't believe in old wives tales, cook it a little less and it will be wonderful and juicy like ours.

Janna made some lovely roasted vegetables. Roasting them allows their natural sugars to caramelize, thus creating a wonderful side dish.

And what Birn dinner wouldn't be complete without our oven roasted potatoes with herbs. Fresh herbs and the right amount of rich, fruity olive oil makes this side dish absolutely perfect.

And what Birn dinner doesn't have a wonderful desert? Tonight we had Janna's world famous cheesecake with a wonderful blueberry sauce. The blueberry sauce was wonderful and fruity, the perfect summery addition to this cheesecake, and who doesn't want a bit of summer with the weather we've been having?

Janna is well pleased with her cheesecake. We're always happy when our guests leave full and happy. The one good thing about food is that it brings everyone to the table for fellowship and this is a blessing for all of God's people.

Unfortunately for Seamus, his evil step mother forced him upstairs. Don't worry son, Daddy will save you.
It's so great not knowing how to cook.. I get all these birnfeasts AND I get to annoy my Dad by saying "that's not the way STEVE does it!"
Thanks for another lesson. I'm going to try those pork chops tomorrow or next week.
june bride on a feather bed? gross.
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