It's Sunday morning and it's freezing cold outside. According to Weather Bug, it's currently 2 degrees outside. Yesterday we were pelted with at least 8-10 inches of snow here in Alger Heights, perhaps more. Today we are expected to get another 2-4 inches, it's currently snowing and they said the snow showers are to continue well into the afternoon. I used the snow blower twice yesterday and will have to use it at least once today if I'm to get out tomorrow. Church has been canceled, which is quite unfortunate. However, with the weather conditions being what they are and the roads in a terrible state, it's for the best that we don't drive to church. Let's be thankful for the days in which we are able to freely go to worship corporately, days like this are a reminder from God of the blessings we have such as freely being able to attend corporate worship.

Janna's sad little car is covered in snow. She hasn't been out in a couple days and it doesn't look like she's going anywhere anytime soon.

My car looks like it has just as much snow on it. I'm going to have to make it road worthy for tomorrow. Thankfully, our snowblower is heavy duty and ought to be able to clear a decent path to Union Ave. for me.

For as cold as it is, the snow is beautiful.

This is a view of southbound Union Ave. Yes, I'm standing in the middle of the road. For a change it looks like almost no one has driven on the street this morning. In fact, you can barely tell the difference between the road and the median or folks front yards. Needless to say, it's going to be a very quiet day here in Alger Heights, with the exception of various snow blowers.

You can see here our sidewalk and pathway leading to the house. It looks like there's at least a foot of snow in our front yard, keep in mind the sidewalks have at least 3 inches of snow on it when this picture was taken.

Seamus is ever so excited about the snow. It comes up to above his chest but of course that doesn't stop him from romping around the back yard.

Seamus has made pathways in the back yard for himself and he rarely moves out of them. His face, chest and legs are covered in snow, he's our sweet little snowball.

And after five minutes outside it's time to come back in and warm up. Hot chocolate for all, except for Seamus who will no doubt enjoy a his Scooby Snack. Keep warm one and all and enjoy listening to sermons online this morning.
Aye, the snow is beautiful. Still, it is too bad church had to be canceled.
Union Ave. looks so much like Bedford Falls it's scary.
Bedford Falls? Never heard of it. This here is Pottersville.
You were outside when it was still dark on the coldest morning of the year. What's WRONG with you?
It wasn't dark out, I took these pictures at 10am. In any event, today (Monday) is the coldest morning of the year. My car informed me that that it was as cold as -16 on my drive into work today.
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