New Years Eve was a festive time at the Birn compound. As you can see we had quite a spread, including but not limited to tartines, garlic-sherry beef, 1940 gouda cheese and pumpkin moose.

Janna works hard at putting together mushroom caps with feta cheese.

Agnus and her child, we'll call him Buster, look on with wild eyes.

Gasp, is that Nate sneaking in the Devil's drink?

Meanwhile Ray has brought over his strange English pudding, Linda is wondering why that heathen brought over English pudding, Adam Bonner wonders what's the dealio. On another note, Ray informs me that the tin cans his strange English pudding came in are reusable. Very useful information. Oy.

Elizabeth hides behind Buzz. I'll get you, just you wait and see.

Later on, Janna, Linda and Lydia discuss the ins and outs of child birth. Very disturbing.

EChuckler brings his camera. We understand that shortly after midnight Chuck went downtown to stake out a spot for liberal Ford's funeral.

The vulchers are out in full force. I know that our food is quite good but do try and be civilized.

Nate's old man Jim is deep in thought. Is he thinking about a) the fate of the post-modern world b) do I get another piece of Janna's amazing cheesecake or c) I ate so much, would anyone notice if I unbutton my pants?

John is quite disturbed, as well he should be.

Aha! I got Elizabeth and Grace. Victory is mine!

James is drinking yet again.

Ray insists on dancing with Linda to Guy Lombardo. Doesn't he know dancing is heathen!?

Linda attempts to play with young OJ. Skittles anyone?

A good time was had by all, we thank everyone for coming. I pray that 2006 brings as many blessings as 2007.
don't you mean that you pray that 2007 brings as many blessings as 2006 instead of the other way around?
We thank you for your hospitality! And, the food! YUM. But, we were not talking about childbirth, but rather admiring little Stewart's first pictures.
"Later on, Janna, Linda and Lydia discuss the ins and outs of child birth."
From my experience watching two of these things- there are only outs in delivery.
"I pray that 2006 brings as many blessings as 2007"
You are drunk.
Thanks for the nice time though, and I hope Quackers is returned by 2008.
Pop Lanning should know that he can't get away with such heathenry in this, the digital age.
Honestly... Like I would forgo sleep!
I did, however, spend pretty much all day Tuesday, and the afternoon on Wednesday, downtown.
Nice photo spread.
FYI, FOX cancelled The OC. The last episodes air in February.
another blow to trash television. huzzah!
happy birthday to birn,
happy birthday to birn,
happy birthday to birn,
happy birthday to birn.
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