It's a lovely snowy day here on Union Ave. I always look forward to this time of year, the snow is always so lovely. With winter comes hockey season and we have already been to one MSU game this year. We plan on going to the Joe this weekend to see our Wings take on the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Our Janna has been sleeping a lot lately and this is often what she wears after having taken a nap of 10-15 hours.

Janna running around the house after having taken a long nap gave me a great idea. Why not take pictures of her growth while she's expecting! Here she is at 20 weeks.

A lovely profile shot. You can barely tell she's expecting.

Our backyard looks especially nice this time of year. Isn't the snow lovely?

The only time of year more beautiful than winter is the fall don't you think?

The snow is especially nice on pine trees.

The blessed puppy of Alger Heights especially enjoys the snow. As you can see he's been enjoying himself quite a bit.

Look at that blessed puppy run, he's so cute!

Seamus is having a wonderful time in the snow.

And so protective of his family, he's clearly looking out for our safety.

This is Janna when she discovers the pictures I've posted of her tonight. I suspect she'll say something like "I loathe and despise you." I love you too honey.
"blessed puppy of Alger Heights"
What a great line- what in the world does it remind me of? ;)
As for Janna and the profile- look at her grimace- you may not be able to tell that she is pregnant, but you sure can tell that she is happy about getting her photo taken!
Thanks Nate, you've given me a great idea for a future post.
I like how you have more pictures up of your dog then you do of your wife.
Actually John, it's equal. I was forced to remove two pictures of Janna. That said, I requested that my wife roll around in the snow but she flatly refused. Who's fault is that?
Halfway there! Time for a baby shower!
Tch. He was so not forced to remove any pictures, the "censored" pics are part of the original post. I don't even want to know what he was trying to get us to think, but at any rate he's clearly in need of help. Perhaps Nate can get him a discount at Pine Rest.
Oh Mark, how wrong you are. There were most certainly pics that Janna demanded be removed from this post. Freedom of speech does not exist when Janna goes on the warpath.
God hates plagiarism Steven. He told me so.
But Seamus actually does look cute frolicking in the snow. If only he'd stay out there all the time...
what's that ugly sack of brown poop running around in your back yard?
I honestly thought that janna wore black dresses and pearls when she was at home. Now I see she does not. oh well.
She has the pearls and the black dresses. The prison warden will look into why she wasn't wearing them in this picture.
Are they Jacquilene Kennedy pearls?
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