This weekend Janna and I traveled to Detroit for the weekend whereby we did many amusing things. First let the record reflect that my worthless camera freaked out and declared that my memory stick was locked. For this reason you will discover that every picture on here has been lifted. In any event, our first stop was at the Ikea store in Canton. Janna is all about this store and has been there three times already. I frankly don't get it. It's a huge warehouse store, which is fine but it's filled with tons of junk and a lot of really moronic people. For example, there was one lady there who I informed Janna was exactly what I expected a Michigan fan to be. Fake leather Michigan jacket, tights, hair going every which way and the voice of 60 years of smoking. I don't blame Ikea for this but if this is the class of people one can expect at Ikea, well, I just don't care to go.

Janna and I then went to Greektown where we enjoyed some lovely greek food. We had a half an hour to kill so we decided it might be fun to visit the Greektown Casino. For the record, we didn't place any bets, our only reason for going was to walk around and gawk at all of the gamblers. Frankly, I just don't get these casinos. There were thousands of people in this place playing slots, staring at the slot machine for hours on end. They all had a glazed over look. The table games weren't much better, fools losing big at the craps table and such. Having wandered around this place for a few minutes we both determined that it was all completely ridiculous and a waste of time and no doubt money.

Next we headed over to the Joe to watch my beloved Red Wings take on the hated Toronto Maple Leafs. This is an 81 year old rivalry and likely the second biggest regular season game of the year for the Wings, only beaten out by the Anaheim game January 2nd and only because that happens to be Steve Yzerman retirement night.

As is the case with all Wings-Leafs game, there was a large group of visiting fans. Arrogant Canadians crossed the border and were more than willing to boast about how wonderful the Leafs were and how pathetic the Wings were. Whenever I hear a Leafs fan yap like this I can't help but think 1967.

Our Wings shut the Canadians up pretty quickly, scoring 2 power play goals in the first period and going up 3-0 and 4-1 in the second period. Hasek played great and the Wings won 5-1. Janna will deny it but she really enjoyed the game. She was itching for a fight the entire night, there were several scrums during the game and each time her eyes lit up with joy at the prospect of a fight. Slowly but surely Janna is becoming a hockey fan.

After the game we went to the Astoria Pastry Shop in Greektown for a little desert. Janna got herself a Canoli and I got a piece of Peppermint Cheesecake. We also got some breakfast to take back with us, Janna got a Croissant and I got a lovely Pumpkin muffin.

Finally Sunday we went to the Southfield RPCNA for their morning worship service. I haven't been back since I was kicked out along with Brian Schwertley and the gang. Ok, so I was in Cleveland at the time and wasn't really kicked out, in fact I doubt anyone noticed that I was gone. In any event, little has changed there with the exception of the pastor. I wish Janna would have been able to hear Ray Joseph preach but we don't get everything we want now do we? In any event, we enjoyed the worship service and we especially enjoyed the fact that they sang psalms in a not slow manner. (James, Linda, whichever one of you is actually leading, you need to pick up the tempo!) We got to see some old friends, which was nice. Now we're home and all is right in the world.
I think you would find a lot of us who would love to hear Ray Joseph preach again, but that can never happen now that he is gone. I suppose we could technically hear him preach, as most of his sermons at our church were taped, but it isn't the same as actually seeing him in the pulpit and hearing him. :(
At any rate, it was good to meet you again!
I didn't get to hear Ray preach more than a handful of times but they were always excellent sermons. He was a good pastor, a good servant of the Lord.
Did your memory stick lock before or after you took your pics? If after, it might be possible to get 'em off. If before, well, even I can only do so much.
When I turned the camera on it beeped and told me the memory stick was locked, this was prior to taking any pictures.
my tempo is great. the southfield tempo is slightly too fast. if you want a regulated tempo i will direct, but you ALL will have to be looking at me, which will never happen.
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