This weekend we went to my folks beach house (they call it a cottage, I wouldn't call it as such). The weather was windy but a good time was had by all.

The views from the beach house are quite excellent. They have two levels of porch, both of which provide awesome views of Lake Michigan.

The sea was angry that day my friends. Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli. Winds were around 40mph with gusts over 60mph on Saturday.

The beach house has an excellent kitchen and I'm sure that Janna and I will be making many edible treats here this summer.

And what beach house wouldn't have a lovely living room? Sadly, this one has way to many pillows as evidenced by the pile of such next to the couch?

Once can lookout a wall of windows and glass doorways to the lake.

The wind raged outside Saturday. In the distance we can see the Ludington lighthouse. This is but one view from the living room.

If one wants to go to the beach one must walk down the stairs. Sadly, the wind was whipping and Seamus didn't want to join daddy in a trip to the beach.

Wildlife can be seen at the beach house. Seamus detected these intruders of the venison kind.

These three just won't give up, I'll have to send Seamus out to take care of them.

These deer wanted nothing to do with Seamus. He did a wonderful job protecting his mommy and daddy.

Such a good boy he is.

Meanwhile the lake rages outside. It was so windy that I could barely hold the camera still to take any pictures.

Sunday brought a new day and much less wind. Thankfully the clouds moved east and it left us with a wonderful view of the blue water.

The town of Ludington can be seen in the distance.

The upstairs porch is spacious and lovely. It's in need of some chairs but I suppose that one wouldn't want to sit out there in the winter.

The downstairs porch is also in need of some chairs, but again who wants to sit out there in the winter? It ought to be nice this summer.

The waves around the lighthouse are much calmer today.

When one goes to the edge of the hill heading down to the beach, one can see this lovely view of whatever that is in the distance.

And one can see this view looking straight down. The waves are still strong but the beach is a delight.

And yet another view of the beach, notice the stairs heading down.

Janna, Seamus and I are happy to return home. We certainly enjoyed our weekend away and look forward to many weekends spent at my folks beach house. We also look forward to entertaining our friends up there, hopefully we'll see some of you there. Lord willing of course.
Looks like it's very deer to you.
HA! Punned!
Very nice Steve. Your parents have good taste.
Yeah, well, I didn't focus on the knick knacks. We hope my mother doesn't clutter the place with ugly knick knacks.
Well I'm glad she was able to get, you know, some CHAIRS, and maybe a COUCH, and perhaps a PAN or two...
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