Life on Union Ave 2 is going well. The family is gearing up for GOP victory next Tuesday. We also look forward to John L. Smith's firing in November as well as an entire winter's worth of hockey. Most importantly, our pride and joy is almost three years old. Isn't that exciting?

Seamus is always ready to greet me when I get home from the office. Seamus loves his Daddy.

Every evening I come home to my lovely wife who has been chained to the stove all day. Tis a shame she hasn't had anything to do since I won't allow her to cook.

Seamus is always excited to spend time with his Daddy. Notice how he sits for Daddy.

Seamus is always very excited to have his dinner. This evening his dinner is served Parisian style.

After dinner Seamus likes to patrol the back yard and protect the compound from criminals and small rodents.

What's that? Does Seamus see a rodent? He's very excited about protecting his Daddy from the evil rodents.

Such a good boy he is, Seamus chases all of the evil rodents away. Daddy is safe and all is well here on Union Ave 2.
"Daddy is safe"... What about his mom?
FINALLY a cute picture of Janna that she was actually expecting to have taken.
No doubt the chains are sterling silver, inlaid with mother of pearl to match her lovely dress.
I don't think Seamus is much interested in protecting Mommy. I think there's little doubt that if presented with actual danger he would protect me rather than Janna.
there are way too many pictures of that hopeless dog....more of Janna!
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