Saturday we gave Stuart up to his Oma and Opa so Janna and I could go to the MSU-Notre Dame game in peace. You can see here, Janna is slicing up tomatoes for our tailgate.

The Stanley Cup was on display outside of Spartan Stadium. Janna and I got to see the Cup and have our picture taken with it.

The glorious Spartan Marching Band during pre-game festivities. You can see the place is packed out, most folks wearing white for the whiteout.

Here our Spartans are setting themselves up for a touchdown. MSU would in fact score and go up 10-0 in the second quarter on their way to a 23-7 victory over the previously undefeated Irish.

Our Spartans just after they won the game, joy exudes from the entire team.

And finally they celebrate with the band and the student section. Happy days have returned to East Lansing.

And we return home to discover that Stuart and Seamus have taken over our bedroom.

Stuart and Seamus are clearly up to no good, you can see the guilty look on both faces.

Janna has figured out their plot, all while wearing a new dress from Macy's (clearance rack) and a Swiss Blue Topaz around her neck.
I lurve your dress Janna!
Birn, you did not actually give into the jewelry channel temptation, did you?
I can't help myself...
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