Today we had a lovely Sunday lunch with dear friends of ours. As you can see, we had so many folks over that we had to move the festivities into the living room. We started with an appetizer of sun dried tomato jam, herbed goat cheese and spiced olive oil. For our main course we had a roast pork tenderloin with a port wine and fig sauce, roasted potatoes, wilted spinach salad and for desert baba au rhum.

Finally we were able to have Aaron and Bubbles (Meg to some of you) over for lunch. We've been trying to get this highly in demand couple to lunch for awhile. Three strikes and your out I say, thankfully they were only up to two.

Here we have James munching on what appears to be bread with herbed goat cheese. Loretta showed up for about 30 seconds this day, while Evie stayed the entire time. And of course, what Birn meal wouldn't be complete without our mainstay B?

Whenever the Lanning children are found at the compound so to must our beloved pastor and his wife. Here we see Ray and Linda holding George's replacement, Mr. Stuart.

Stuart likes his new friend Bubbles, he hopes she and Aaron come around often.

Dinner went well, the wine was flowing and our desert went over big. Afterward we congregated in the kitchen/dining room. This gave Ray the opportunity to pick at the leftover pork, much to the chagrin of Linda who put a quick stop to it. Do I dare mention that about 2 minutes later Linda was caught soaking up bits of baba au rhum in the rum sauce and whipped cream?

Evie is quite disturbed at her parents behavior, or is she disturbed by the table conversation?

Bubbles is slowly being indoctrinated in the ways of reformed protestants and our church in particular. We'll be praying for Bubbles on many accounts, we're certainly happy to have her as part of the church and our little group of weirdos. We hope to be invited to a wedding in the near future but I won't play the church hen and push it further. :)

And here we have B soaking it all in as is his custom. Thanks to all who came to our little lunch, it is a great blessing to be in the company of such good friends on the Sabbath. Fellowship was terrific, conversation was grand and I would like to think that lunch was acceptable. God surely is great.
PS I think you should switch the dining and living rooms.
That living room is perfect as a dining room because of it's shape, the same shape which makes it so awkward as a sitting/visiting area.
It's long and narrow, while your square dining room would be a very cozy sitting room. You really should think about making it permanent.
So have did the Birns celebrate the anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald?
the fact is, for only a small fee, i will be your live in quasi-maid. (the quasi means that I will at least pretend to do chores). that way, you can always have me around, and won't care about me leaving early. Just a small fee!
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