It was a big day for Stuart today. Janna put together his high-chair and for the first time he got to eat his dinner sitting up.

Tonight's dinner included apples with cherries. I apparently missed the main course, which was grass clippings, I mean, some sort of green vegetable. Stuart likes eating both the green vegetable and his desert but if you try to slip in a second vegetable not only does he know but he isn't pleased. The exception though is sweet potatoes, which apparently works as a desert as far as Stuart is concerned.

This is yet another step in Stuart's slow progression towards civilization. Pretty soon he'll be weened, then he'll be crawling around, then walking and so on. All of these little steps are great blessings and big accomplishments for Stuart. Our goal is to create an independent adult who is faithful to Christ, little things such as crawling or eating dinner in a high-chair are small put ever so important in reaching that goal.

As you can see, Stuart likes his new high-chair. While he's really enjoying his apples and cherries, he's more interested in watching what I'm doing. I guess his old man taking pictures is more interesting than dinner. I should be flattered really but I know that if one of the dogs waltzed into the room I would be cast aside in favor of the furry critters. Such is life I suppose. In any event, the glory of Stuart's baby steps is God's alone. We thank the Lord for putting the stewardship of Stuart on our shoulders. It is our hope and prayer that we will be faithful to God's word and God's word alone in raising him to be an obedient believer.
It should be noted that Stuart is properly secured (5 point harnesses on highchairs? oy vey). Clearly his mother needs to work on correcting his ghetto posture.
Nah, he's just eating New Testament style - reclining!
Yes, ghetto slouching will not be tolerated dawg!
I totally agree with Stuart on this one; too many vegetables are just so unnecessary.
A word of warning concerning feeding in an upright position: a properly timed sneeze can achieve great, messy distances!
Heh - Stuart has already discovered this, to his great delight. Finally, something that makes him laugh more than the word "no"! :-)
Do you open your mouth when you're feeding Stuart? I've been accused of this more than once, but it's next to impossible not to!
At least I always left a little Hawaiian Delight for you guys, unlike SOME people I know...
I'll have to watch to see if Janna opens her mouth when feeding Stuart. If she does, appropriate sarcastic remarks will follow.
More Stuart pictures, please.
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