Friday night we took Stuart out to East Lansing for his first MSU hockey game. It was a big night for the Spartans as they raised their 2007 national championship banner to the rafters. Stuart got to visit with a lot of my old friends for the first time. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of the event because someone (Janna) forgot to bring the camera.

Saturday we did a little bit of gardening and Stuart got to join us. He is well pleased with all of the work we did, including the planting of well over a hundred bulbs.

Deirbile was also present for our gardening and she was very interested in what we were doing. We can only hope that she and Mr. Seamus don't try digging up our spring flowers.

But what Stuart and Deirbhile were really interested in is visiting with each other. These two have become very good friends, although we suspect that Deirbhile may think that Stuart is her puppy.

Stuart has always liked dogs, we let him visit with Seamus within minutes of arriving home for the first time last May. He especially likes Deirbhile, perhaps because she's a touch calmer than Seamus.

As you can see, Deirbhile was more than happy to lie down next to Stuart and go to sleep. Unlike Seamus who wouldn't dream of lying down when Stuart is there to be licked.

For whatever reason, Deirbhile is more than happy to like down on her back and take a nap. Here we see her doing this with Stuart.

Stuart is quite interested in seeing what his silly puppy is up to. He's always very happy to play with his dogs.

In other news, we bought a cord of firewood last week. This is apparently how much wood is in a cord, we really had no idea what a cord was when we bought it. It looks like we have enough wood to last us this winter and then some. Unfortunately, the weather hasn't cooperated and we haven't been able to build a fire yet. Hopefully we will soon.

Tell me that isn't a happy puppy.
So Seamus is really quite dispensable then, isn't he?
Just sayin...
Not at all. Janna took these pictures while she was outside. Seamus is my dog, Deirbhile is Stuart's.
Y'all have reached an accord! Ha!
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