Monday, May 21, 2007


I received the following email from my wife about 45 minutes ago:

"You are a complete jerk - did you think I wouldn't figure out that ourgoing up to the cottage would preclude our going to Festival? You'revery clever, and have once again outmaneuvered me. Well-played, myfriend. Well-played.


Sweet victory. Sweet, sweet victory!


Loretta said...

um, what festival?

steveandjanna said...

She's talking about that stupid "art" festival downtown the weekend after Memorial Day. You know, the one with lame bands and the Sisters of the Very poor selling chicken on a stick.

Mrs. P said...

That's two years in a row now, right?

Kudos to Mr. Birn! Possibly one of the very few ever to keep one step ahead of Janna.

Mark said...

I demand more pictures of Stuart. I want to make an animated GIF so we can watch him grow, and we need daily pictures for that. Balki Bartokomous did something similar, as I recall, and we should all try to be like Balki whenever possible.