It's been an interesting few days at the Birn compound. Stuart has learned how to manipulate his mother in the evenings. Janna feeds him, makes sure he has a clean diaper and puts him to bed. Within a couple of minutes Stuart is screaming for attention, refusing to sleep without mom holding him. This has gotten worse in the past few days, as he's been screaming for Janna almost immediately. We've both had just about enough of it and last night we let him cry himself to sleep. Needless to say, Stuart was furious at this turn of events but after 10 minutes of livid crying he calmed himself down and went to sleep for five hours.

As we can see above, Stuart is getting his first taste of discipline. It had to happen though, we can't have a baby manipulating his mother all night long. The fact of the matter is that he wasn't hungry, his diaper wasn't dirty, he wasn't sick and there wasn't a giant spider crawling on him so he had no need to have his mother around. He was demanding attention and we won't stand for that when it's time to go to sleep. God has given us Stuart in order that we might raise him to be a good Christian adult and in order for us to raise up a good Christian adult we have to teach him self control and self discipline. It begins when their babies, even at 15 days old. If he learns how to control his anger when he's a baby, he'll have a much better time controlling it when he's older. He's manipulative, all babies are. He knows exactly what he's doing and we won't stand for this.

It will take awhile for us to teach Stuart how to control himself, but it begins by not responding to his sinful, manipulative behavior today. Not only was he attempting to manipulate his mother, he displayed uncontrolled anger and we have to work to stamp these sins out now. It's our duty as Christian parents to do this and while it was tough for Janna to listen to Stuart cry, it was for the best. Really it was best for both of them, not only is it teaching Stuart how to control himself, it's teaching Janna that he is able to do it. God has entrusted us with this little one, we can't sin against the Lord by allowing our son to grow up thinking his demands must be met at all times. I won't stand for a self centered little brat and we can stamp this sort of stuff out now. In the end, we are doing what's best for Stuart and we are doing what God expects us to do for him. We love our son to much not to teach him these lessons.

Getting to more fun events, today is our anniversary. We had celebrated at Tre Cugini on Friday but we decided to make a nice dinner tonight to. It helps that D&W had two for one ribeyes on Saturday. So with those two for one ribeyes, we made Steak au Poivre and matchstick potatoes. It was simply wonderful. Ribeyes have a robust steak flavor, someone different from a NY Strip, perhaps, dare I say more robust. Our au Poivre sauce was rich and delicious. It was a wonderful meal prepared for a wonderful wife.

And here we have a happy picture of our son. Don't mistake things, Stuart is a good boy most of the time and he's usually in a happy mood as he is here. He has his moments though and it is our Christian duty to teach him how to not have those moments. It is a life long process of course but in disciplining him now, we hope to not have to discipline him more when he's a little older. He really is a good little boy though and he's been a great blessing in our lives. Just think, a year ago we were just getting married, now we have a two and a half week old boy. God has blessed us greatly.