Monday, November 27, 2006

And the Peasants Rejoiced

Several of you, the faithful readership, have very kindly expressed concern over the tragic bacon episode of almost a month back. The theft of our lovely center cut pork was deeply disturbing, to say the least. That is why we were so elated to find that the criminal in question (whomever that might be), having evidently reflected on the delinquency of his actions, returned the bacon to us unharmed. Said bacon was discovered during a purge of the refridgerator in a spot that had been inspected at least three times during the initial search and rescue operations. We have (wisely, I think) decided not to ask further questions and are instead grateful to have our bacon back home where it belongs.

The great turkey slaughter of last Thursday went well, or so it seems. Four turkeys, each prepared differently. Oy vey. My kitchen is only now beginning to resemble its former self.

Hmmm... what else? Not much, I think. No doubt Steve will have new post up here soon with either commentary on the machinations and vain imaginings of various football teams or a random assortment of ugly pictures of me and nice pictures of the dog. Something to look forward to, eh?


Mark said...

Sometimes they don't kill the pig all the way. I'll bet that's what happened. Your post does give me a brilliant idea - turkey stuffed with bacon. Mmmm-mmm. Even better than the cannibas you guys used.

Mrs. P said...

So THAT's what made us all so mellow... That's about as good as my mom feeding Benadryl to little kids in the guise of skittles.