So here we are at the close of day two in Vivian's life. Janna is getting along well. A little tired but that's to be expected. I say she's a little tired, I make an assumption in saying that. Janna won't admit she's tired nor will she let on that she's tired. She's never once complained during her pregnancy of any pain, lack of comfort nor has she complained of being tired. She lived her pregnant life almost entirely the same as normal life. I say she's tired today because I assume she must be. You have to figure after major surgery, a night in the hospital, a new baby and lots of excitement that she would be tired. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. If she is, she won't tell anyone.

Earlier in the day Stuart came by to visit his new sister and his mother. He's had an eventful comple of days over at his Oma and Opa's house. He has taken to Vivian, though we're not sure if he understands that she is a baby. I'm certain he has no idea she's coming home with us on Monday. In any event, we'd appreciate your continued prayers for Janna's recovery. God has blessed us greatly. :)
It's very cool vivian day,dont forget to visiting MY zrooglepicit's amazing
Wow! You're posting pictures of Janna looking great! No sideways sneaky pics of her yawning or grimacing when she's not looking.
Good job Steve!
You all look great. It will not be long and Stuart will be very protective of his little sister after all he is the big brother.
Believe me, I have a few bad pictures of her. I tried to get her to give me a 'pushing' pose before she went in for surgery so I could post it and pretend she had a regular birth. I figured it might fool some of the arrogant 'you must birth a child 'correctly'' gals. Sadly, she wouldn't make the pose. :)
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