Saturday, August 23, 2008

17 Carats and Counting

On Monday we went up to my folks beach house in Ludington for the day. It was my first and only day off this summer. Such is the life of a lawyer. In any event, the lake was surprisingly cold, colder than it was earlier in the season.
Stuart wasn't to keen on the lake, the waves were a little rough for him and the water was far to cold. Maybe next year he'll be able to go for another swim.
Stuart's great-grandmother was in town for the week, which is why we headed up north on Monday. Stuart apparently was more interested in Zoe the dog than his great-grandmother.
Today Janna turned her back for one minute and this is the trouble Stuart got himself into. Not pictured is the dog bowl, complete with a towel placed in it that Stuart pushed all the way over to the sink area. High entertainments for Stuart, for the time being that is. Give him a year and he'll have to clean this sort of mess up. No, give him a few months.


Loretta said...

and was that another new huge pendant that i saw today? that black one?

steveandjanna said...

Yes. It is an 11 carat black spinel dripping in white gold and diamonds. The other is a 17 carat swiss blue topaz ensconced in white gold and accented with diamonds.