We just got back home from a trip to Cincinnati. We were cajoled into going as my brother graduated from Med School at UC and my grandmother was having a 90th birthday celebration. Seeing as one doesn't turn 90 on a regular basis, we decided it was best to make an appearance.

Here's the birthday girl holding onto her one and only great grandson. Her party was as one would expect a 90th birthday to be, full of old people we don't know and a rubber chicken dinner. But she had fun, so I suppose that's all that counts. We had more fun I suspect when we took Stuart to a sports bar to watch the Wings win the first game of the Stanley Cup Final. And yes, I'm still mad about the no goal.

We headed into Janna's homeland, Kentucky where we saw one of Quackers long lost relatives.

Sunday we decided to take my grandmother to Mount Storm park for a Sabbath day picnic. When one is out of town on the Sabbath it can sometimes be difficult to eat without breaking the Sabbath. Thankfully, Cincinnati had an abundance of parks and we could grill out after having bought food on Saturday.

Stuart doesn't quite know what to make of this strange old lady who he's being forced to sit with. I imagine looking up at a great grandparent is quite odd for a little baby who's only used to looking at his youngish parents and grandparents who aren't quite over the hill yet. Stuart handled himself quite well, as usual.

This monument is in Mount Storm Park, it was apparently placed there prior to the Prince of Wales arriving. This thing is pretty old, so I imagine it wasn't for the current Prince of Wales. Further I don't know why any American would care about the Prince of Wales, though it's mildly interesting nonetheless.

Janna bought some bubbles for Stuart and here she is blowing them at him. He seemed mildly amused. I think he was more interested in the baseball he was given to play with.

And finally we have a picture of the view from Mount Storm Park. It doesn't look quite as nice as it really was. We're home now, thankfully. Seamus and Squirrelface were happy to see us, more happy to see Stuart. B as usual took good care of our blessed dogs.
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