Stuart will turn ten months tomorrow. Lately we've been trying to teach him to say 'daddy.' He's said it two times so far, though I'm not sure it was intentional and I'm fairly certain he has no idea what it means. Did he say his first word? I don't know, you be the judge.

I don't know if Stuart has said a word yet but he appears to be quite interested in reading. Here he is attempting to read something or other. We make sure to read to him everyday, Janna has a whole bedtime routine with him that involves some sort of bedtime book. Of course, we always make sure to read scripture to young Stuart.

Seamus is so proud of Mr. Stuart, what with his almost speaking and attempts at reading. Seamus is so excited that his little friend is growing up.

Here the whole family sits to watch the Wings game. Hockey is a favorite sport in the family, as you can see. I've turned Janna into a football fan and yes I've also turned her into a hockey fan. If there's a fight, she's very excited. You can see here that Stuart is also watching the game, he especially enjoys going to Griffins games. Seamus is also watching, though football is his favorite sport to watch on TV.

What family post wouldn't be complete without our Deirbhile? Mistress Deirbhile is very excited about the warmer weather. But what does she looks very nervous in this picture. I wonder what she sees or hears?

She sees or hears this bird sitting in the neighbors tree just a few feet from our house. I don't have the slightest idea what kind of bird this is, though it isn't the run of the mill sparrow that we're accustomed to seeing at the house.

I don't think this bird is big enough to take out Deirbhile but it's enough to get her all excited. Does anyone have the slightest idea what kind of bird this is? I sure don't.
Looks like a hawk to me, but I'm not exactly an expert. Definitely looks like a bird of prey, anyway. I'll bet Stuart knows, once he gets the talking thing down he can tell y'all.
that thing could take dirigible out if it wanted to
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