For those of you who haven't noticed, I've eliminated my political blog. I've done this for a number of reasons, not the least of which it was getting boring debating the same morons day after day. With that blog gone, I won't be moving politics over here, at least not much. Janna and I do campaign for certain candidates though and I suppose we will begin our campaign for President here. We are endorsing Alan Keyes for the Republican nomination for President. The election is going to be held on January 15th, so we don't have much time to campaign.
For those of you who don't know, Alan Keyes is a conservative Christian. He's pro-life, pro-family (read: opposes homosexual marriage), favors lower taxes, I would call him a strict constructionist on the Constitution, and he favors fighting and winning the War on Terror. All of these things ought to be in full favor of conservative Christians, reformed or otherwise. Keyes calls him self a declarationist, meaning he looks back to the Declaration of Independence on certain issues, often noting that we are a Christian nation based on the fact that the Declaration of Independence declares that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights.
I know some conservatives are looking to Ron Paul as a Presidential candidate. While he is an interesting character, he isn't a conservative and he is unacceptable to conservatives and Christians. Paul is a libertarian and while I'm sympathetic to libertarian viewpoints, the libertarian position on abortion and homosexual marriage is unacceptable to me and it ought to be unacceptable to Christians. Paul is incredibly weak on both of those issues, not to mention his opposition to the War on Terror is absolutely unacceptable. As Christians, we ought to move away from people like this if only because their views on abortion are questionable if not outright unacceptable.
In any event, let campaign season begin. The Birn's will be out in full force for Alan Keyes, a man we hope and pray will be the next President of our once great and in fact still great Christian nation.