Stuart is full of amusement. We have discovered in the last month that he really enjoys bath time. From what I can gather, most babies are total brats when it comes to taking a bath. Not our Stuart, he looks forward to it every time. His little face perks up when he hears the water being drawn.

Ok, let's admit it, Stuart is a weirdo. I mean come on, what little boy looks forward to a bath? I figure Janna better enjoy his no fuss bath time while it lasts, it's a matter of time before he decides that baths are evil and won't want anything to do with them.
On another note, last week we had to get our air conditioner fixed. We used a company called Grapids Heating and Cooling. (616-453-1137) They came out and fixed the AC the day after we called, arrived at 5:30 and stayed until it was fixed around 7:30. These guys could have easily called and refused to come that late at night but they didn't and they should be given some credit for staying so late. In any event, if you need your AC or heat fixed let me recommend Grapids Heating and Cooling, they do a good job at a fair price.
He looks wryly amused in the first pic. Totally awesome.
Very cute! My brothers loved baths. They only started hating the process to cleanliness when they had to clean themselves. Having older sister or mom do it for them was the life!
Our little loves like baths quite a bit. They always have. Stuey is lookin' good!
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