Last weekend the Birn's traveled to lovely Novi to attend the Republican state convention. We got to rubber stamp the GOP ticket for November. And yes, we're very excited about the GOP ticket. We got to hob nob with all the important people as we were delegates. It was all very exciting and we got a free hotel stay out of it, to be used sometime in the near future. I can't get to the Red Wings schedule quick enough.

We represented district 3 in the great State of Michigan

Rep. Mike Rogers from District 8 speaks.

Attorney General Mike Cox accepts the nomination for a second term. I don't agree with everything Cox has done as AG but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is better than any Democrat. Cox has enforced as law Michigan's marriage amendment and he is currently fighting for our partial birth abortion ban in the 6th circuit in Cincinnati. We need to re-elect Cox.

Not the best picture of Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land but it's the best we've got. We need to re-elect Terri Lynn, she's done an excellent job saving money at the SOS office. She has done a good job limiting the number of times we have to visit SOS offices by putting more of their services online and if we're stuck going to a SOS office she's forced customer service upon the workers. Janna and I both noted that Terri Lynn is nearly always smartly dressed, yet another reason to vote for her.

Rev. Keith Butler introducing Mike Bouchard. You will recall that Butler ran for Senate against Bouchard, Janna and I voted for him. He's a great guy and was very gracious in defeat. He took time to thank those of us from Kent County as we were the only county where he pulled a majority.

Mike Bouchard is running for Senate against do nothing Debbie Stabenow. Bouchard is a great candidate, pro-life, in favor of low taxes and small government. Bouchard is the change we need here in Michigan, Debbie is doing literally nothing in Washington. Do note that Bouchard's daughter looks just like Brooke Shields.

Dick DeVos with his family after giving a speech to the delegates. DeVos is exactly what we need in Michigan, a businessman who is going to sell our state to businesses the world over. DeVos is a great family man, brought up in a Christian household. I've met a lot of pols in my day and I can say that DeVos is one of the kindest and most gracious ones I've met. In fact it's a tossup between him and Terri Lynn Land. Perhaps this is because DeVos isn't really a pol, he's a businessman. This state is in an awful depression, 7.0% unemployment and 29,000 lost jobs in July alone. Jenny Granholm has done nothing to help our state, we need a change, we need Dick DeVos.
This is a big election coming up in November, I'm sure Janna and I will be posting more about it before then. I encourage all of you to vote for the Republican ticket, including the non-partisian judicial candidates. This year's ticket represents our Christian values and we can sleep at night knowing we're voting for pro-life Christians.
Thanks for the run-down. Mr. Pickering has been saying much the same thing lately.
Someone has to tell the youngest Devos not to put his hands in his pockets.
Judging by recent pictures, it's obvious that JANNA doesn't have the password to this blog, so how is she supposed to post anything? Tyranny and oppression... the poor dear hasn't worn socks since May!
She has the password. Why would she post on here, she never posts on her own blog.
This blog's name is "Life on Union Avenue 2", yet only 25% of the posts so far have their roots at Union. It's an outrage!
I say nothing, of course. ;)
I wouldn't be so quick to call them pro-life Christians. For some Christians it may be against their conscience to vote for these "lesser of two evils." Of course, Repulicans are better than the Democrats, but that does not make them people we should be endorsing necessarily. Look at the recent Plan B. We have trusted in a pro-life "Christian" president, and he allowed for it to pass. It is an abortive pill, and it is now over- the-counter. Now 18 and olders can sleep around even more and have a backup plan to prevent pregnancy, possibly end life. Outrage.
And, if these Republicans are so great...then tell me what they are doing to end this ridiculous welfare system that does not help people but just allows them to live off of other peoples' money....
But, I should say that I "respect" your support and involvment. It is better than sitting back and complaining and doing nothing. At least we, as Christians, have to keep the Democrats out. I just want Christians to acknowledge the fact that even if these are "good" people, that they are not necessarily Christian, but rather just moral people. (And, I am surprised that you would support a woman running for anything....)
Have a good day, now that I pissed you off, again. :)
Dick DeVos spoke about further limiting the amount of welfare someone can recieve, I believe Mike Bouchard did the same thing. These guys are in favor of cutting taxes, reducing government, they're pro-life and they're certainly better than what the Democrats have to offer.
As for Bush, the guy told us one thing and did the other. He did this in his second term, there's nothing we can do about him now. When looking at candidates such as Dick DeVos, we have to take them at their word. DeVos is a Christian man, reformed as well. He spoke about his Christian faith during his speech last week, how can we not take him at his word?
Agreed. We don't know their hearts. But, instead of people saying, "Bush is a Christian" or "DeVos is a Christian man", couldn't one just say that they claim to be and leave it at that?
If we're going to say that about DeVos or Bush couldn't we just as easily say Lydia claims to be a Christian or Ray Lanning claims to be a Christian man? I don't think it's necessary to use the term 'claims to' as it's redundant and mildly insulting as it seems to suggest that one may be lying.
But, you don't know DeVos and Bush like you know Ray and I (at least I don't think). We are part of your church family. It could be insulting to fellow believers, depends. And, Scripture gives us standards to judge others on. While we do not know one's heart, and we must take them at their word, we also can hold them to the standards of Scripture and judge by the Word of God whether or not their actions are consistent with what is required of God.
Therefore, I keep my position that I WILL not argue with others that BUSH or DEVOS are Christian men. I don't know enough about DeVos, but I do know enough about Bush that makes his life/actions inconsistent with what Scripture requires. Period. Amen. Hallejuah.
Peace, Brother Birn.
Be careful, Lyd, when you start declaring who is and who isn't a Christian. That is one steep slope...
I think we all ought to be careful when it comes to these things. DeVos has made a profession of his faith, and thus far, his public life seems to back it up. We ought to rejoice in this and pray for this man who is subject to many temptations as a man of wealth and power. To say things like, he "claims to be a Christian", is not helpful to anyone - not to him, not his detractors, not to the Christian community at large.
Why would we doubt his faith? Would we doubt the profession of a new stranger in our church because we don't know him and haven't judged for ourselves? Or would we embrace him as a brother and encourage him in his walk?
Do we doubt his faith because he's a politician? Certainly we know that politics is a dirty nasty business. Does this mean that Christians cannot try to have an impact in this dirty nasty realm (no dirtier or nastier than many realms of life)? Certainly, many in politics claim a saving faith whose actions seem to bely such. Are some lying? Doubtless. Do we condemn them all? Heaven forbid. I think we ought to pray for them as weaker brothers.
At the last day, if Dick DeVos' profession turns out to be false, it will be cold comfort to say, "I suspected as much".
I think I clearly stated that one cannot judge another's heart. I then said that we can, by actions and/or words, deny that we believe one is actually a Christian. If anyone wants to argue that Bush is a Christian, fine. But, I know that MY GOD does not allow for Muslims to enter heaven, as Bush claims they do via another path. The path is straight and narrow, and my conscience is clear on that. I do take people at their word, I just hold them to it, unlike many folk who turn and look away at great sin in other's lives.
I also clearly stated that I do not know DeVos' beliefs. No need to defend him. And, we all need to remember to look at ourselves first, and I want you to know that I do, indeed.
You guys should start making stuff up or something. It'd be amusing.
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