Stuart has decided that the new best game ever is to stand in the laundry basket. What exactly his purpose is hasn't been figured out yet but he seems to have a grand time.

Vivian is down to one feeding at night. We're hopeful that at the end of next month she'll be sleeping through the night like her brother was at the same age. She's apparently growing like a weed, she's gained a pound since leaving the hospital.

Getting Vivian to look at the camera is like pulling teeth. I've also noticed that she always seems to have a very annoyed look on her face. Clearly she thinks we're all idiots and that she's vastly superior in intellect. I wonder who she gets that from.

Deirbhile just loves the new baby. While she hasn't adopted Vivian as her own as she did with Stuart, she is very sweet and gentle with her. She likes to sit in the nursery and keep tabs on everyone. She's a 25 pound gatekeeper I suppose.

Not to be out done, Seamus continues to try to round up Janna every time Vivian starts crying. Apparently he believes that Janna can't hear the baby and so it's his duty to make sure she does something about the crying. You think by now Seamus would have figured out that the crying will either be attended to in Janna's good time or it will work itself out on its own. Ahh well, I suppose we shouldn't expect great understanding from a well meaning dog.
I notice the book shelf is empty. Is Stuart at the shelf-emptying phase?
I don't know why the bookshelf is empty. He's rarely in the nursery anymore, so I'm not sure why there's nothing there. Downstairs half of the bookshelf is for his toys and he takes those down and tosses them around every single day. This includes a giant plastic box filled with toys that he picks up and carries over to the coffee table.
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