Janna and I have followed the Wings all year and last night they finally won the Stanley Cup. It was a nerve wracking series, complete with terrible officiating and bitter disappointments. But the Wings won in the end, thankfully.

I've gotten Janna to the point where she looks forward to each game. She knows all the players, has her favorites of course.

She's also been known to yell at the refs and she has more than a few derogatory things to say about the Wings opponents. Ask he what she thinks of Sid Crosby sometime.

And thus another season ends. This is the fourth time I've seen the Wings win the Cup. For all I know it will be the last. I suppose only God knows about the future, true whether we're talking about trivial things like hockey or important things like life and death. In any event, hockey won't be back until October and I suppose until football starts again Janna and I will be stuck watching the Tigers and Cubs. Since the Tigers are dreadful (fire Leyland!) we'll have to follow the Cubs a little more.

Maybe we'll get to see the Cup this summer, maybe we'll even get to see this shopping cart in person. What a great season, is October here yet?
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