It's been awhile since our last post, so we'll have to update on our first half of the month. We ended 2007 with our 4th annual New Years Party. We had quite a few guests and some great food. It seems our mini burgers and lemon tarts were the biggest hits. Ray seemed to love the BLT Salad.

Evie of course was the first to grab at the food. And who could blame her? After six months of preparing a menu and a week of food prep, the food was excellent. Who wouldn't want to be first in line?

Janna is amused that Evie went first. I don't know why this would amuse my wife so much, it's really not that funny. It must be the pregnancy laughing.

And what Birn party wouldn't be complete without our resident thief B. Yes, we know you took Quackers. We will continue to invite this criminal element to our parties, we must reform this thief.

Here is a selection of our guests. We welcomed Shawn and Tammy Anderson to our home for the first time, it seems they just moved to Grand Rapids. Linda, wearing man pants, is always a welcome guest as is Nate who seems to be stuffing himself in the background. Good times, good times.

Ray parked himself in front of the television, intent on watching football. You can see the remains of his BLT Salad.

On New Years Day, we watched a few football games and the Buffalo-Pittsburgh outdoor hockey game. Stuart and Deirbhile especially enjoyed the hockey.

January 4th was my birthday and Janna decided to make me dinner. We had Coq au Vin and roasted potatoes. This picture makes the Coq au Vin look like bloody intestines on a plate but I assure you it tasted much better than it looks here.

This past weekend Janna and I went to Chicago. Stuart was not welcome on this little trip and so he went and visited with my parents in Lansing. Thursday we had dinner at TRU, we reserved the Kitchen Table and the above picture is of us in the kitchen. More on that meal and others in another post to come this week.

Friday night we took the bus out to the United Center to take in a Hawks game. Janna informed me during dinner on Thursday that she was looking forward to the hockey game. Oh how the mighty have fallen. We had a good time, the Hawks are total garbage but we got to see some great hits and a fight.
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