Mr. Stuart has decided to begin thinking about crawling around. He hasn't quite figured it out yet but he's well on his way. We're looking forward to him being able to crawl. Not only is it good for babies to crawl around in terms of motor skills but it also gives them an amount of freedom. The less dependent on Janna he is the better.

Stuart just loves the dogs, today he had the opportunity to play with Deirbhile. The dogs just love Stuart, Seamus in particular. Seamus has decided that he's Stuart's grand protector, when Stuart cries he attempts to heard Janna upstairs to deal with him whether Janna is intent on doing so or not.

Stuart meanwhile just loves the dogs. His eyes follow them wherever they go and he's been known to cry when they leave. He's spent more time with Seamus so far, mostly because Deirbhile is outside more and she isn't on eye level with Stuart when he's sitting with us on the couch.

Deirbhile doesn't seem to mind when Stuart grabs her fur and tugs. As you can see he's forcing a hug, or is she forcing a lick of Stuart's hands?

Stuart scratches behind Deirbhile's ears, unintentional perhaps but she seems to enjoy it. Later this afternoon Stuart and I are going to enjoy watching football together. Stuart, what is your profession? Harroh! Harroh! Harroh!
He is indeed the world's best nephew, his tastes in football teams notwithstanding.
And Dogs... yes, the clone is getting cuter all the time! But sooo somber!
He evidently takes all this dog interaction very seriously.
Oh yes, he loves the dogs. He would much rather watch them than us.
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