Our camera has been retrieved from my mother, she held it captive for the past week. Janna as you can see is absolutely thrilled to have it back.

Stuart on the other hand doesn't seem much interested in whether or not we have a camera. He's much more content sleeping. He's been sleeping through the night for well over a month now. The hard work put in back in May and June has given us excellent results.

Stuart still loves his bath time. I have no idea what Janna is doing but Stuart is greatly amused. He seems to be amused on a regular basis, though we can never quite figure out what he actually finds funny. What we do know is that he loves the dogs, especially Seamus. He follows Seamus around and doesn't mind at all when Seamus licks him in the face. I'll yell at Seamus to get away and if Seamus goes out of view Stuart starts fussing. He loves his dogs.

Speaking of dogs, young mistress Deirbhile has settled into life at the compound. She hasn't yet learned the invisible fence boundaries so she's stuck on a leash for the time being. In a couple months she'll be old enough to learn the fence, it will help that she'll fit into Seamus' collar.

Deirbhile is a smart little dog. The other night she was in the living room watching Seamus run around out back, when he went out of view near the house she ran towards where she thought he would be. Logically she was spot on, if he had kept running he would have ended up where she thought he would. Reality though is that he's scared to death of the electric fence and wouldn't dare run past it. Deirbhile doesn't know this yet, she'll soon learn.

Mr. Seamus holds court in the kitchen. He's taken to his new sister quite well. He loves romping around with her in the backyard. That said, he's still daddy's little boy and he wants me to carry him up the stairs at night and he wants that he always be in my presence.

Why not post another picture of Stuart? He got to spend some time with Grandma today as she made her way out from Lansing to visit with him for a couple hours. He's a blessed boy, his Grandma drives out from Lansing to visit with him and his Oma begs Janna to let him stop by for a visit. He seems to enjoy them both. But of course, nothing can compare to when his Daddy gets home. Daddy's arrival is always exciting. What a great joy to come home to a wife, baby and dogs, all of whom are happy to see me.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the dinner we had for the Lanning's a couple Sunday's ago. We enjoy having the Lanning's over, I think it's important for us to show them the same hospitality that they show us. In any event, we enjoyed fried chicken, salad with green goddess dressing, fresh made southern biscuits and for desert we had Janna's excellent key lime pie. The Lanning's seemed to enjoy themselves and I can attest that we enjoyed ourselves greatly. Our Pastor and his family are a great blessing to us all.
Word is that Stuart is going to be an exceptional student. Or something.
I heard quite a bit about that chicken, sounds like it was quite the meal.
What an adorable baby you have!!
Awww... that first picture is just perfect!!! He's just precious...
And those Lannings... moving around so fast you can't even catch them on film. So fast in fact you can't even see the blurs. They're like that.
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