So, our house is up for sale. If anyone knows anyone who is looking for a home, let them know about our place.

Stuart and Deirbhile get along great. She allows Stuart to pull her ears, pull her fur and climb about her person without the slightest thought. She never goes after him, such a good girl she is.

Not only does she not attack, she plays with him. Even when we think she's getting sick of rough house Stuart, she gets up and sits back down next to him waiting for the next round to begin.

Seamus is no different. Both of these dogs put up with a lot from Stuart without ever attacking.

Stuart likes to play with the stuff in the bookshelf. Needless to say, the books are out of his reach. His toys on the other hand are free to be taken down and thrown about the living room.

Today we're spending the day smoking pigs for tomorrow's church lunch. We've got 25 pounds of pig in the smoker, we're using hickory and cherry wood. I'm sure it will be excellent.